20. EXMORTEM - Dejected in obscurity
19. KEELHAUL - Keelhaul
18. FUNERAL MIST - Devilry EP
17. ENSLAVED - Blodhemn
16. YACOPSAE - Fuck punk rock... this is turbo-speed violence
15. CROWBAR - Odd fellows rest
14. CANNIBAL CORPSE - Gallery of suicide
13. FLESH PARADE - Kill whitey EP
12. ANGELCORPSE - Exterminate
11. ENVY - From here to eternity
10. EVOKEN - Embrace the emptiness
9. DROPDEAD - Second LP
8. BOLT THROWER - Mercenary
7. DEEDS OF FLESH - Inbreeding the anthopophagi
6. CRYPTOPSY - Whisper supremacy
5. BOTCH - American Nervoso
4. NASUM - Inhale / Exhale
3. COALESCE - Give them rope
2. AMON TOBIN - Permutation
1. QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - Queens of the Stone Age
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